How should I select the recipients for my spam report?
Once you have submitted some spam for reporting, SpamCop will present you with an error or a set of choices for reporting the spam. Other FAQ entries in this section deal with errors. If everything goes well, you will have one or more choices:
- Source of email
- This is the actual source of the email as determined by SpamCop. In almost every case, you should leave this box checked unless you believe SpamCop has made an error in finding this administrator's address. If the administrator has already taken action against this spammer, this choice may not be available.
- Web site host
- Often, spam will include links to web sites. Spammers use these to draw victims in for more pitches. However, most administrators will terminate such accounts merely for being associated with the sending of spam - even though there is no direct proof that the owner of the site is responsible for the spam. Because there is no direct proof, you should be very careful when selecting these boxes. Read the spam, and be sure that the spam is really promoting the web address, and not just referencing it off-hand. Spammers will often include innocent parties' addresses in spam in an effort to confuse and discredit. For instance, www.yourdomainhere.com is often the target of erroneous complaints. Another example: some stock-market spammers will reference stock-quote sites to help prove whatever points they are making. These are "innocent bystanders" and should not be reported as spammers. Make sure these boxes are unchecked if you are not fairly sure the address in question is being used by the spammer.
- Relay administrator
- If SpamCop recognizes that a mail server other than that on the originating or receiving network has relayed an email (also known as "open relay" or "relay rape"), SpamCop will attempt to find a valid reporting address for the administrator of that server. If found, you will be given the option of sending a report to that administrator notifying them the server is being abused for unauthorized mail relaying and asking them to secure the relay.
- Relay Testers
- SpamCop checks several different blocking lists to see in an IP address is listed as an open mail relay or an open proxy. If the IP is not listed on any of these lists and this is the first time SpamCop has encountered that IP, SpamCop will offer to send the IP address to for testing. SpamCop will also save a copy of the headers "as proof" of relaying. If the IP is already listed on a blocking list but this is the first time SpamCop has seen the IP, it will not be sent a second time, but SpamCop will save a copy of the headers as "evidence" of relaying.
- Other email addresses (members only, experts only)
- If you are an expert, and you feel SpamCop has missed out on reporting spam to a certain administrator, you can tell it to report the spam to any email address you want. Just check this box, and fill in the email address in the space provided. For this recipient, SpamCop will make no assertions about the administrator's role, so you should include some of your own comments in the "additional notes" space. Explain why you think they should review the spam report. You can put up to four email addresses into this field - seperate each one with a comma.
- Appeal disabled targets (members only, experts only)
- Do not use this feature unless you are sure of what you are doing. If you believe that a web site or email address has been registered as resolved erroneously, you may file an "appeal." SpamCop's administrator will receive a copy of the spam, and the situation will be reviewed manually to see who is telling the truth. Do not use this feature unless you have verified, either by sending email or visiting the web site, that the account that has been marked closed is in fact still in operation.
You are also given the chance to add additional comments to the spam report. Normally, SpamCop includes all the information needed to indicate the reason for the report, but you can use the comments section to indicate:
- Why you feel this message is spam. e.g. "This may look like a legitimate newsletter, but I never requested it - I was subscribed against my will."
- What you have done in the past to be removed from this person's mailing list. e.g. "I have asked to be removed several times from this person's mailing, but I still keep receiving it."
- What your past experiences have been with this particular spammer, e.g. "I get spam from this huckster once a week, like clock-work."
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